Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2nd day of the rest of my summer

So, today was my first day back at work for the summer... I haven't worked since Easter break, so I was pretty excited to be working again... Since I love my job and all :)  Lets see, well today was a rather interesting day, if I do say so myself.  I worked with some of my favorite associates and managers today, so that made everything just so much better.  It was an extremely slow day at work, which was not the greatest... because when it's slow I tend to look at things that we have and want to buy everything :P Luckily my paychecks are directly deposited into my bank account, which makes it easier for me not to spend them. haha.  Anywho, I swear today was the day for all the customers with sticks up their butts to come in and shop.  Geeze people, just because you are having a bad day or something does not mean you can just take it out on the poor associates who are trying to be as friendly as possible and help you with what you need. If we do not have a bra that fits you the exact way you want don't blame it on me and be all mad!  Go shop somewhere else then and frustrate the associates there.  

Oye... Oh, and to make my day even MORE interesting, I had a woman ask me if I just had a baby.  Um... REALLY???  First of all, I look like I'm 16 (apparently), so you pretty much are implying that I'm like a teen mother or something... No thanks, I prefer not to have a baby when I'm 21 and in college and trying to work my butt off to pay off my insane amount of loans.  OoOh!  Want to hear something even MORE interesting about my day??? (hard to believe something even more interesting could happen after the baby incident, well it did)... Well, I had about like, 15 minutes left before my 7 hour shift was over... and apparently my legs looked pasty white (which I agree, they are slightly blinding), my friend decided that it was necessary that she use our store spray tan and just tan the crap out of my legs :P  It was amusing to say the least, and I was wearing a dress, and the spray tan stuff was very cold.  Well, she was spraying my leg (behind the registers), and this one guy comes walking to the registers and asks the manager for a job application... and of course the other girl and I are giggling because this was just a fun time.. and the guy looks at us, and the manager was like, oh yea, they're trying out our spray tan, can you tell which leg has the tan on?  The guy leans over the counter and points and was like.. thaa... Oooh yea, that one, thats nice!  As he says it all turned on like... It's hard to explain his expression and the way he said it... but it was hilarious, and creepy at the same time. (BTW, If you want a spray tan in a bottle, come to Victoria's Secret, it works surprisingly well and gives you a not-so-fake looking tan)  Oh, and I made a poor life choice today by wearing 3 inch heels for a 7 hour shift on tile floor... Boy my feet are killing me... well I guess that's the price I have to pay for trying to look cute ;P  

Now, what am I doing, at this exact moment?  Well, relaxing since I hobble when I walk because of my previous poor life choice.  I am also watching The Voice on NBC, which is like American Idol, but WAY better in my opinion.  Also trying to unpack the rest of my boxes of junk, which is a slow and grueling process... That will have to be done again in 3 months (gag). Oh well, I guess that's what I have to do until I graduate and find an apartment where I wont have to move in and out every year.  Ah, what a beautiful night to sit and relax... I possibly will have to work tomorrow, depending on if they'll need me for my on-call.  If I'm not needed I will be spending a well needed friend time with an awesome woman of mine!  Doing some hiking and playing outside... possibly getting a tan, or a burn... whichever comes first ;)

Well, that's my day pretty much in a whole... Not too horribly exciting, but it was more eventful than yesterday, that's for sure.  


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