Monday, May 30, 2011

So today I worked for 6 delightful hours, boy was that fun.  Actually, it really wasn't all that bad, I didn't mind having to work today.  The store was pretty busy for the first 3 hours of my shift, but the last 3 were slow and unbearable.  Today was also filled with a bunch of people who just weren't in good moods, which made the day ever so slightly more interesting.  Oh well, I got paid time and a half because it was memorial day, so that made everything slightly better.  

I could not believe, when I left work at 8 that it was so HOT! wow!  It is so hot and sticky out it's crazy!  I got home, and sat outside for a few minutes, my dad had just cut the grass and it smelled so summery, also with the smell of the lilac bush across the street... It was a pretty good end to the day, nice and relaxing :)  

Oh, the other day I got to see one of my friends!  It was so nice catching up with her, now that I'm home for the summer.  We went to The Bar and had a few drinks and just chatted for a few hours.  We tried this one shot that she recommended, which she called the "sperm shot."  I was slightly skeptical about trying this shot, but it was actually really good.  It was a combination of baileys and lime juice.. which you wouldn't think would be good, but it was a good combination of sweet and sour... But the combination of the two made the substance curdle, which is where the "sperm" comes in.  Haha it was rather different, but good.  They also played Mmm Bop by Hansen at the bar too... That totally made my night a hell of a lot better!  Ahhh that was just a fun and much needed night :)

Now I'm going to sit with my mother... have a strong drink and watch, The Secret Life of The American Teenager!  Yes, I know what you're thinking... that is the stupidest show ever!  Well, I fully agree on that, the show is all about who and who isn't having sex, at age 16.  It is slightly ridiculous, but it is so funny to watch!  I haven't missed an episode yet :P

I thought maybe in these blogs too I'll post a favorite painting or photo that I really like, so here go's :)

I love Van Gogh!  I love the way he paints!  My style painting can be a lot like the way he paints, with definite brush strokes.  (So I've been told).  This is one of my favorite paintings, called "Cafe Terrace On The Place Du Forum." (1888)

Sunday, May 29, 2011


One night I had a dream...
I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord, and
Across the sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand;
One belonged to me, and the other to the Lord.
When the last scene of my life flashed before us,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that many times along the path of my life,
There was only one set of footprints.
I also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in my life
This really bothered me, and I questioned the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you,
You would walk with me all the way;
But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life,
There is only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why in times when I
needed you the most, you should leave me.
The Lord replied, "My precious, precious
child. I love you, and I would never,
never leave you during your times of
trial and suffering.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."

Friday, May 27, 2011

Another Day

So I figured I'd give an update on how these past days have been.  This week hasn't been too bad, I finished my painting I've been working on, which you can see in the previous post.  So I worked 6 hours yesterday, and oh man was it extremely slow!  Of course, it was so beautiful out so who in their right minds would spend the day inside a mall shopping?  Well, not a lot of people.  We do have a Memorial Day sale going on at Vicky's, so that brought in a few more people... But still, the semi-annual sale starts June 14th, so people also don't want to buy now when they can load up on sale items in a few weeks.  Anywho, nothing too exciting or memorable happened at work, I just walked around, was perky and helped customers... oh and shopped at the same time... The only thing I don't like about slow days is that I constantly look at everything I want :P Ooopsies.  So after that, I can home and finished my painting and just relaxed and enjoyed a nice night to myself.  

Today was pretty nice and relaxing.  My mom and I spend the day together and went to lunch at Olive Garden... Oh man they have such good food, so that was a great start to today.  And, since I've been feeling slightly down lately, what would be a better way than to fix it than by retail therapy? :)  So we hit up the Rib Mountain stores and then went to the mall and bought a few things at Vicky's (surprise surprise) ;).  Now, I am just sitting here, with a Rolling Rock, watching Say Yes to The Dress and admiring my new shoes that I got today.  Yes, I do feel not so slightly down at the moment.. Who knew new shoes could have such an impact on a persons mood? ;)  Haha, and Since I am known for having such cute shoes, I had to get another pair!  And since I like them so much, why not put a picture of them on this blog and show them off, along with another pair of my favorite shoes? Ahhh sounds like a good idea to me! :D

So, these are my new, 3 inch heel shoes! MmMmM gotta love them :)

These are my absolute favorite shoes!  I got them at the beginning of the year and think they are the sexiest shoes ever!  And they are amazingly comfortable, which is a plus.

Well, that's my past 2 days and such, and those some of my many shoes... What can I say?  I'm a sucker for cute shoes :)  I work tomorrow for 8 hours, so maybe I'll have some fun and entertaining stories to tell.   

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Painting :)

So, I've felt inspired lately and have been working on a painting for the past week or so.  It is painted on 4 small canvases using acrylic paint.  I am very pleased with how it turned out.  This painting was inspired by a photograph from my "Beauty in Abstraction" series.  I took one of my photographs and dissected some of it into 4 parts...  Here is the original photograph that I used for my inspiration for this painting...

Here is my final painting... It is not exact to look like the photo, I changed the colors up a slight bit, but you can see where the inspiration came from :)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Lets see... What happened today..???

Well, I got the hiccups.

That's pretty much it...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I feel so inspired today, which doesn't happen super often.  There has been so much on my mind lately that I haven't really had the chance to let myself be inspired.  Today I just feel so much more refreshed and clear, and I feel inspired now more than ever.  I decided to start a painting I was planning on doing during the course of this past semester, but never actually had the time to do.  It's a small abstract painting, and it is coming along pretty awesomely, if I do say so myself.  Painting just puts me in my own little world, takes me away from reality for a bit.  It is very relaxing and just puts me in the most amazing of moods.  Plus, it is so beautiful and sunny and warm out, which helps :)  At the moment I'm taking a break from my painting, sitting in the sunroom basking in the warm sun.  The window is open and there is a nice breeze that blows the smell of freshly cut grass in (from my dad lawn mowing).  I could not be in a better mood today, really, this is just so perfect.  I had a meeting at work this morning from 9-11, but the rest of my day was off.  PERFECT way to spend a Sunday afternoon of not working.  I'm going to visit my grandma soon, since it's been a while since I've seen her (because of being away at school), then I'll maybe work on painting a little more and try not to get freaked out from the supposedly bad storms that we are supposed to get tonight. 

Quote of the day:
"When you wanna give up, and your heart's about to break, remember that you're perfect, God makes no mistakes."
"They say they built the train tracks over the Alps before there was a train that could make the trip.  They built it anyway.  They knew one day the train would come.  Any arbitrary turning along the way, and I would be elsewhere.  I would be different.  What are four walls, anyway?  They are what they contain.  The house protects the dreamer.  Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game.  It's such a surprise.  Life offers you a thousand chances... All you have to do is take one.  "

Friday, May 20, 2011

Some favorites

These are 2 of my favorite quotes from One Tree Hill that have meaning to me.

"Make a wish and place it in your heart, anything you want, everything you want.  Do you have it?  Good, now believe it can come true.  You never know where the next miracle is going to come from, or the next smile, or the next wish come true.  But if you believe it's right around the corner and you open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it, you just might get the thing you are wishing for.  The world is full of magic, you just have to believe in it.  So make your wish.  Do you have it?  Good.  Now believe in it, with ALL your heart!"

This is one of my favorite photographs by one of my favorite photographers; 
Robert Doisneau.
"Le Baiser de l'Hotel de Ville, Paris, 1950"

"Take a look at yourself in a mirror, who do you see looking back?  Is it that person you want to be?  Or is there someone else you were meant to be, the person you were meant to be but fell short of?  Is someone telling you you can't or wont?  Because you can.  Believe that love is out there, believe that dreams come true everyday.  Because they do.  Sometimes happiness doesn't come from money or fame or power.  Sometimes happiness comes from good friends and family and the quiet nobility of leading a good life.  Believe that dreams come true every day.  Because they do.  So take a look in that mirror and remind yourself to be happy, because you deserve to be.  Believe that.  And believe that dreams come true every day.  Because they do."  

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My favorite Painting

This is my absolute favorite painting of all time!  The painter painted little dots to create the marvelous painting.  
"A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte," By Georges Seurat.  

My mother came upon this photo, because she knew how this was my favorite painting and knew The Office is my favorite T.V. show.  This has the best thing ever created!

It's Me!

Time for some fun facts about me that maybe you didn't know?  Hmmm, this should be interesting!  
Oooh yea, I painted my nails yesterday to look all watermelony, they look pretty "adventurous" (as some would say).    ;)

Let's see, where should I start with this?

I am deathly afraid of flying, which all started when I was 8 years old when the little prop job of a plane I was in decided to do a free fall, and plummet towards the ground (thanks for that, father).

I want to skydive before I die (maybe that will get rid of my fear of flying?)

I have a scar on my middle finger on my left hand... So if I decide to show you this scar, take no offense to the fact that I might flip you off in the process.

I don't like anything that has orange flavoring in it... gross (I do like oranges though).

When I was little, I used to hide under the tables at my sister's middle school when she had to talk to the teachers (I was really shy back then).  One of them actually came to her wedding and I did not hide from him this time! (this surprised him too).  

I have 3 tattoos:  One on the lower right side of my back, which I got when I was 18; One on my right foot, which I got when I was 19; And one on the back of my neck, which I got about a month ago.  

I find getting tattoos to be very relaxing (hard to believe, I know).

I smell like sugar cookies when I wake up in the morning (so I've been told, ever since I was little).

I have only been in one car accident once in my life (and totalled out 3 cars in the process), and have never been pulled over for speeding.

I am really good at drawing, but I absolutely hate doing it.  

I've always wanted to run a marathon (even though I tend to be slightly lazy).

I will only drink diet soda.

I will only eat the pretzels and the little breadsticks out of Chex Mix.

I have a secret fear of public restrooms, but I'll still use them anyway.  

I only like odd numbers, I'll never do anything in an even number.

I love reheated mac&cheese and spaghetti!

I hate doing the laundry, I try to put it off as much as possible (which works because I have enough clothes so that I wont have to do laundry for months).  

I have 120+ panties (yes, this is a necessary amount).  

I can be extremely clumsy, yet I have not broken a bone.  

I secretively love to sing.  And I am pretty good at it too, but no one will ever know.

I love scary movies, even though I always get freaked out by them.  

I love Romeo and Juliet!  The book, not the actual movie.  

I can surprisingly eat a lot for being as tiny as I am.  

I love unconditionally.

I dislike guys with macho egos.

I cannot stand messes... which is surprising cuz I tend to be messy... at times.  

I have a style of my own.  

Puppy dog faces don't work on me.  

I looked like Harry Potter in 6th grade.  How unfortunate that I ended up "forgetting" my little round glasses in France.  OoOopsies. ;)

I have been to 7 countries (France, England, Ireland, Wales, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic).  

I love to travel!  If I had the choice, I would gladly move to Europe. Amazing there.

I want to go to Italy for my honeymoon.

I rode my bike into a parked car when I was in 4th grade.  

I am addicted to coffee.

I LOVE penguins!  I want one as a pet.  

I want a fru-fru puff ball of a dog!

I cannot wait to own a house and be able to decorate it!!!!!!  The only wall decor will be my own art and photography. 

I love Christmas!  Best holiday ever!

I don't like cheesecake or apple pie.  

I eat my pickles like corn on the cob... not a fan of the pickle skin.  

I have seen every episode of The Office.  It is the best show to ever exist.  (though, it is not the same since Michael is off the show).  

I love camping and kayaking.  

I was blond when I was little.  

I love playing the trumpet and being a so called "band geek".  

I snort when I laugh (I blame it on one of my good friends ;) ).  

I enjoy doing these lame blogs so much, so I think I'll end this one for the time being.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This was the final voice over quote from Season 8 of One Tree Hill.  I really liked it, so I decided to post it to this here blog of mine. 

"You know, I do believe in magic. I was born and raised in a magic time, in a magic town, among magicians. Oh, most everybody else didn’t realize we lived in that web of magic, connected by silver filaments of chance and circumstance. But I knew it all along. When I was twelve years old, the world was my magic lantern, and by its green spirit glow I saw the past, the present and into the future. You probably did too; you just don’t recall it. See, this is my opinion: we all start out knowing magic. We are born with whirlwinds, forest fires, and comets inside us. We are born able to sing to birds and read the clouds and see our destiny in grains of sand. But then we get the magic educated right out of our souls. We get it churched out, spanked out, washed out, and combed out. We get put on the straight and narrow and told to be responsible. Told to act our age. Told to grow up, for God’s sake. And you know why we were told that? Because the people doing the telling were afraid of our wildness and youth, and because the magic we knew made them ashamed and sad of what they’d allowed to wither in themselves.
After you go so far away from it, though, you can’t really get it back. You can have seconds of it. Just seconds of knowing and remembering. When people get weepy at movies, it’s because in that dark theater the golden pool of magic is touched, just briefly. Then they come out into the hard sun of logic and reason again and it dries up, and they’re left feeling a little heartsad and not knowing why. When a song stirs a memory, when motes of dust turning in a shaft of light takes your attention from the world, when you listen to a train passing on a track at night in the distance and wonder where it might be going, you step beyond who you are and where you are. For the briefest of instants, you have stepped into the magic realm.
That’s what I believe.
The truth of life is that every year we get farther away from the essence that is born within us. We get shouldered with burdens, some of them good, some of them not so good. Things happen to us. Loved ones die. People get in wrecks and get crippled. People lose their way, for one reason or another. It’s not hard to do, in this world of crazy mazes. Life itself does its best to take that memory of magic away from us. You don’t know it’s happening until one day you feel you’ve lost something but you’re not sure what it is. It’s like smiling at a pretty girl and she calls you “sir.” It just happens.
These memories of who I was and where I lived are important to me. They make up a large part of who I’m going to be when my journey winds down. I need the memory of magic if I am ever going to conjure magic again. I need to know and remember, and I want to tell you."     ~Robert R. McCammon (Boy's Life)~

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

2nd day of the rest of my summer

So, today was my first day back at work for the summer... I haven't worked since Easter break, so I was pretty excited to be working again... Since I love my job and all :)  Lets see, well today was a rather interesting day, if I do say so myself.  I worked with some of my favorite associates and managers today, so that made everything just so much better.  It was an extremely slow day at work, which was not the greatest... because when it's slow I tend to look at things that we have and want to buy everything :P Luckily my paychecks are directly deposited into my bank account, which makes it easier for me not to spend them. haha.  Anywho, I swear today was the day for all the customers with sticks up their butts to come in and shop.  Geeze people, just because you are having a bad day or something does not mean you can just take it out on the poor associates who are trying to be as friendly as possible and help you with what you need. If we do not have a bra that fits you the exact way you want don't blame it on me and be all mad!  Go shop somewhere else then and frustrate the associates there.  

Oye... Oh, and to make my day even MORE interesting, I had a woman ask me if I just had a baby.  Um... REALLY???  First of all, I look like I'm 16 (apparently), so you pretty much are implying that I'm like a teen mother or something... No thanks, I prefer not to have a baby when I'm 21 and in college and trying to work my butt off to pay off my insane amount of loans.  OoOh!  Want to hear something even MORE interesting about my day??? (hard to believe something even more interesting could happen after the baby incident, well it did)... Well, I had about like, 15 minutes left before my 7 hour shift was over... and apparently my legs looked pasty white (which I agree, they are slightly blinding), my friend decided that it was necessary that she use our store spray tan and just tan the crap out of my legs :P  It was amusing to say the least, and I was wearing a dress, and the spray tan stuff was very cold.  Well, she was spraying my leg (behind the registers), and this one guy comes walking to the registers and asks the manager for a job application... and of course the other girl and I are giggling because this was just a fun time.. and the guy looks at us, and the manager was like, oh yea, they're trying out our spray tan, can you tell which leg has the tan on?  The guy leans over the counter and points and was like.. thaa... Oooh yea, that one, thats nice!  As he says it all turned on like... It's hard to explain his expression and the way he said it... but it was hilarious, and creepy at the same time. (BTW, If you want a spray tan in a bottle, come to Victoria's Secret, it works surprisingly well and gives you a not-so-fake looking tan)  Oh, and I made a poor life choice today by wearing 3 inch heels for a 7 hour shift on tile floor... Boy my feet are killing me... well I guess that's the price I have to pay for trying to look cute ;P  

Now, what am I doing, at this exact moment?  Well, relaxing since I hobble when I walk because of my previous poor life choice.  I am also watching The Voice on NBC, which is like American Idol, but WAY better in my opinion.  Also trying to unpack the rest of my boxes of junk, which is a slow and grueling process... That will have to be done again in 3 months (gag). Oh well, I guess that's what I have to do until I graduate and find an apartment where I wont have to move in and out every year.  Ah, what a beautiful night to sit and relax... I possibly will have to work tomorrow, depending on if they'll need me for my on-call.  If I'm not needed I will be spending a well needed friend time with an awesome woman of mine!  Doing some hiking and playing outside... possibly getting a tan, or a burn... whichever comes first ;)

Well, that's my day pretty much in a whole... Not too horribly exciting, but it was more eventful than yesterday, that's for sure.  


Monday, May 16, 2011

The Beginning

Well, I am starting something that I have never thought I would do, my very first blog.  I figured that maybe this would make my summer go by semi-faster so that August will come fast and I can get back to school.  Thus, I will write every single detail about every single day this summer!  I know everyone should be excited, because I lead a pretty interesting life. Haha.  

Anywho, here goes nothing...  

I am back home now, in the wonderful Wausau, Wisconsin, and I can honestly say that I really miss De Pere already.  I never thought I would ever be saying this, especially since I couldn't wait to be home at the beginning of my college experience.  Now I will just be waiting for summer to be over, so school can come and I can savor every moment I will have before I graduate (which, by the way, I am really freaking out about.  But that will be for another blog).  It's rare to hear someone say that they miss school, and maybe I am a bit psychotic for saying this, but I don't care.  I love school and miss it, and it has only been one day since I left.  Granted, I do miss De Pere for other reasons too, so it's not just specifically school.  But, anyway, I mostly miss the social life and my friends, not so much the schoolwork, though I will admit I did enjoy a large portion of my classes this year (oh the joys of being an Art major).  But the social aspect, and my friends, oh man, that makes the whole college experience 110% better.  

I have some of the most amazing friends a person could ever have, which made this past week the most difficult, having to leave them behind for a bit.  Sure, I will see them again in 3 months, but it is not the same when you see them every single day.  There were so many great memories made this year, that it would probably take me at least 5 different posts to explain in detail every single thing that has happened or has been said.  So I will save everyone the trouble of reading all the ridiculous things that went on and just wait a while before I decide to blog all of that.  What can I say?  I would not have been able to get through this year without them!  I lived with 5 wonderful girls this year and am very grateful for having had the opportunity to live with them!  I love them all to death.  I know love is a big word and should not be thrown around, but it's like we are a family, getting to know them, I can honestly say I love them, so much.  They have helped me to be the person I am right now.  And for that, I am greatly appreciative.  

I do have to say this year, compared to my past 2 years of college, has shaped me the most.  I have noticed a significant change in myself, for the better, this past semester.  Not like there was anything wrong with me before this year, but I have learned so much and have experienced so much this year, and this semester especially, that I have discovered so much about myself that I did not really fully know.  I have discovered that I am definitely not as shy as I used to be.  There are many people who will agree with me when I say I used to be extremely shy.  I had a difficult time meeting new people, and it would take me a long while to open up to those I did not know that well.  Ha, well, now that is different.  Surprisingly, I find it so much easier to just be myself and not be afraid of what others may think.  Goodbye shyness, I will not miss you! :)

I have also realized this year that it is pointless to dwell on the past or live life with regrets.  You should live your life the way you want to, live it to the fullest because you never know exactly when you will leave.  Your life could be shorter than you think, or you could live to be 90 years old.  Either way,  I don't want to live my life thinking that I could have done something differently or could have done something that I was afraid to do.  Pointless, right?  I thought so.  I'm taking things one day at a time; enjoying every single hour of every single day, because I know I'll never get the hours back that I wasted.  Life can be a challenge, it is full of challenges actually, but that is what shapes us, it has shaped me that's for sure.  Don't take life for granted or be critical or cynical or so down on yourself.  Appreciate the life God has given you; He has specifically made you the way you are for a reason, why would you ever want to insult that?  I am extremely proud to be who I am!  Sure I may have some insecurities, but I would never want to change anything.  I was given this amazing life for a reason, and I will never take it for granted.  I will appreciate my opportunities, my family, my friends and anything else that may come my way in the years to come. :)

Let's see, what else can I blabber on about on here? AHA! My family!  What can I say about my crazy family... Well, I'll say this, I love them and am glad that I was born into this family!  I have one sister who means the world to me.  She is 4 1/2 years older than me and I have looked up to her most of my life, still do, because of course she's my big sister and us little sisters are always supposed to look up to them. Ok, so maybe I don't just look up to her because I am supposed to, I look up to her because she is a wonderful and inspiring individual, and I am proud to call her my sister.  Like typical sisters, we had our differences when we were younger and would bicker a bit, but as we got older we grew extremely close together.  I love getting together with Jessi; go shopping, talk about boys, complain about people who drive us nuts or just going out and having a good time.  She's like a sister to me... Oh wait, she is :)  I don't see her as much as I would like, since time doesn't allow, and now distance doesn't allow the it either. But I love every moment I spend with her and the fact that we can pretty much talk about anything and everything.  She's the greatest sibling a girl could ever ask for!  

My parents, well this should be fun.  I love them both, obviously, since I said that above.  My father is a major role model in my life.  He has always been there for me, cared about me, helped with everything in my life.  One of the greatest memories I have with him was when I was younger.  He and I would always, every summer, take a bike ride all around Wausau.  We would start out riding and enjoying ourselves, then ride down to the train depot and walk along the tracks and see who could stay on the longest.  Before we would leave we would put coins on the track and then ride on to our next little destination, hoping a train would come and smush them.  We would then ride to the Kwik Trip on Grand Ave., get milk (I usually got strawberry) and microwavable sandwiches, leave and cross the street to the cemetery and sit and eat on a bench underneath the flag.  After that, if it was a good day, we'd get some Dairy Queen, then ride back to the train tracks to find that our coins had been smushed :)  Oh, I really do miss those days.  As I got into high school more, especially college, I have not spent this quality time with my dad like I used to when I was younger.  See, it's times like those that shouldn't be taken for granted.  I love my father and wish I could spend even more time with him now that I'm older... I am looking forward to going fishing this summer. That is always a fun bonding time.  But anyway, he is always there for his little girl, and I love him so much. He means the world to me!  I am proud to have him as a father.

Now, my mother.  She is the biggest role model in my life!  We are extremely close and have the greatest mother-daughter relationship.  If I have any problems or am upset about anything, she's the one I go to because I know she will make me feel better and calm me down.  I can tell her anything and everything, which I do, there is nothing about me or what I do that she doesn't know.  We text constantly, which everyone pretty much knows already, :P but I don't mind.  We shop and do so much together, I always look forward to when she comes to visit me or I go home for a weekend because I know it will be relaxing and fun.  I know I keep saying that I don't want to be home and want to go back to school, but if I wasn't home I would miss her very much.  There are times when I don't come home for a month, and I do really miss it and the quality mother-daughter time we spend together.  She is the most amazing woman anyone could meet, and I love her more than anything.  

 Now, on to my biggest passion in the WHOLE ENTIRE world!!!  I LOVE ART! And anything that has to do with art!  Wow.  I am a graphic designer. I love every minute of it.  Even though I love graphic design, I love photography even more!  I always have a camera with me.  People say I take too many pictures, but I don't care!  It is who I am and what I do.  I love being able to express myself through my art.  I don't know what my life would be like without it.  Not to brag or anything, but I am pretty good at what I do!  I have 2 on campus graphic design internships, gotten my work into juried student art shows and even won an honorable mention on a photograph of mine, which made my whole semester better :)  I also won an art scholarship this year.  All the art faculty get together and talk about who deserves to get the scholarship... and they chose me!  Out of every art student at that school, they chose me!  It made me feel so much more confident about my work.  When it comes to my art, I am extremely picky and judgmental.  It is rare that I actually like a piece I do, because every time I look at my work I think of something I could have done to possibly make it better.  Though there was one series of photographs that I did last semester that I am extremely proud of and can say is some of the best work I've done so far; so that is an improvement I guess.  But, this is what I want to do with my life.  People always ask me what my dream job would be... Well, there are 2 jobs that I would love to have.  My main goal, is that eventually I own my own photography studio and do portrait photography, weddings, senior pictures, etc.  I love to do that!  I took photos at my sisters wedding and had a blast, and after that I was hired to shoot a wedding this October and I possibly have another wedding opportunity down the road.  I also just did engagement pictures for my friends (which was so much fun!!!).  I love photography and am excited to be doing wedding and engagement pictures; so I hope that eventually I can fully make that into my career.

My second dream job would be working for Victoria's Secret designing all the packaging for the products in the store.  I work at Victoria's Secret now as a sales associate. I have been for the past 3 years and love every minute of it!  It is like a whole second family there.  I enjoy everyone I work with, it just makes the whole experience so much better!  I love that job and always look forward to going into work.  Usually I get crude comments from guys because I work at a lingerie store (which is slightly ridiculous... guys, please don't make perverted comments to me about working there, it gets old).  To me, it is just a job.  I help people find what they need, make great friends in the process and just be my perky self; can't complain about that.  But that is off the topic a little.... Dream job, doing graphics for them.  I look at the products every time I work, thinking it would be so cool to create for this fun and amazing store.  Granted, this will probably never happen, but hey, you can do anything you set your mind to... So maybe eventually I will be doing this :)

I have a tattoo on my neck that says, "If you follow your heart, life is like a work of art."  I love this quote and it is very meaningful to me.  Like any work of art that I create, it is unique to me.  I make my art the way I want it to be.  I don't copy what someone else does, I create my art the way that I want.  Just like my life... If I follow my heart, and do what I want to do, it will be a masterpiece, my own work of art :).  

Oh, and another thing!  I play the trumpet!  Yes, I am a girl, and I do play the trumpet, some people find that slightly hard to believe because apparently only guys are good trumpet players. PSH!  I am great on the trumpet!  Ok, maybe not the greatest, but I am very good and I love playing it!  If I have a bad day or am upset about it, I just put it all through that instrument, and I somehow feel better about everything.  It is a stress reliever for me.  I have been playing the trumpet for 10 years now... I have been in band since 5th grade, and in high school I was in jazz band along with concert band.  Now, in college, I audition for Wind Ensemble every year (which is awesome, we went to Austria and the Czech Republic last summer and toured and played 4 concerts), and I also am in the jazz band, which is just way too much fun.  I got a scholarship my freshman year in college to play in the bands, which was pretty sweet.  So yea, I love playing my trumpet,... Some would call me a band geek ;), but you know, I am fine with that. I will accept the fact that I am a possible band geek because I love playing my instrument.  

Hey, remember when I started this whole thing saying I was going to explain every single detail about every single day this summer?  I think I have failed at that thus far, so I will start that right now! (lucky you, I know) ;).  Anywho, so I woke up at like, 10:30, which felt amazing since I have been having a lack of sleep and naps lately.  I got out of bed and groaned a little when I got up, since I am 21 and becoming closer to being an old woman, I have a lot of aches and pains!.... Ok, so maybe I won't be that detailed with my daily stories, because really, who would want to read all of those non-interesting details of my day on here?  Even I wouldn't want to read it!  But, anyway, I feel like summer so far has just gotten off to a boring start.  I sat around until 1:00, editing pictures and then found out I did not have to work (which I was kind of looking forward to working).  So what did I do then? Sat around again, still editing pictures, until I went to Walmart with my mother and got some dinner and am now right back on here typing this blog while watching a stupid commercial about a garage door opener.  Not too exciting, but I didn't really expect an eventful day.  The rest of my night looks like finishing up a little unpacking (which if anyone knows me, will take forever because I have SO much stuff!!!), so we'll see how that goes before I have to go to bed, wake up and go to work.  

So, thank you for tolerating my very first ever blog and the fact that I explained so much of my life on this thing.   Quite amusing, I know. :)
